Today was an interesting day. 8:00 class was canceled so I didn't have to get up super early so I just slept in later. That felt good. Classes went by as usual and I came back to the room getting ready to go to work. My homeboi O came through and we just chit-chatted it up talking about music, school, and life. Went to work and found out I didn't even have to come so my manager brought me back and I went to Hobby-Lobby with my big sis Katie. Stopped by Wal-Mart and then I got on some h/w super early. I'm seriously in Grind Mode!
Today really wasn't that bad of a day. I got a lot of ish done and on top of all that I didn't have to work which allowed me to get a lot of work done! Feels good!!!
It seems like a burden has been lifted off of my shoulders lately. Not stressed out about stuff but just putting a lot of time and effort into something that wasn't matching the work so I said forget it. Ima do me and you can do you. And by no means do I harbor any negative feelings towards this girl. Its life. Plenty more fish in the sea and my line has been pulled a few times.
Don't have a lot to say today. Just enjoying everything and taking it all in. Things aren't always what they seem. As always...
Take it EZ

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