My day was pretty good. Had to go to Wal-Mart to pick up a few essentials and after waiting a long LONG time I was able to get back to my dorm room. Fortunately for me patience is a Good virtuE. Work really wasn't all to bad either.

Before I went to work though I was just chillEn watching "The Game" on BET (which by the way I don't watch BET like I use to. Just so many things I don't personally agree with but hey thats me. Much lovE to the businessmen and women doing their thing. Just not for me lol
Went to a party with some of my friends last night. Just chillEd for a bit. I can truly say that since I've turned 21 I can see a difference in a lot of things. And not just about alcohol b-cuz I don't drink it. Just about life in general. I'm starting to see things more clear. Not the whole picture but certain spots are becoming a lot more vivid and I can understand it a little more.

One of my favorite TV shows "My Wife & Kids is on DVD now. I saw the 1st season yesterday at Wal-Mart. I started to grab it and for a little while it was in my basket and I've been using my money well so I had enough to where I could've purchased this item and not have a second thought about it. But times are rough and you have to look ahead to the futurE. Everything might look clear today but you never know what the forecast will be for the future. A storm might be brewing up ahead so you have to save up for a rainy day. I was really proud of myself and that I made a good judgment call at that point and time. A Penny saved is a Penny earned.

One more thing. I head this song I haven't heard since I was a kid at work last night. "Virtual Insanity" by Jamiroquai. Good song!
As always. One lovE!
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