You ever feel like despite all of your triumphs, all of your hard work, and all of your sacrifice you come to a point when someone is an obstacle that you must overcome to get even further? Well what if sometimes that obstacle in your way was yourself? What would you do then?
Subconsciously I set myself up for failure. Not all the time but a lot of times I'm My own worst EnEmy. Its time I just stop messing up and thinking things are going to be bad when I haven't even gone through the situation. Its like if an opportunity presents itself and its something that would be really good for me instead of embracing it I think regardless of what it is it'll be bad so I sit back in the shadows and watch as my moment of glory is taken by someone else or is gone completely for no one to grasp.

What I'm trying to say is that there is a difference in contemplating on taking a risk after measuring the pros and cons and then taking a course of action vs. doing all of that but then deciding not to do anything. To just sit back and watch as your dreams are forever put on hold because you can't step up and take hold of what you want. Well I'm done with that.
Actions speak louder then words so instead of going on and ranting about what I'm going to do or not do I'll just allow everything I do from This Point On determine the type of character I have. My integrity as a man will not be compromised nor will the many opportunities I wish to pursue.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"...John F. Kennedy


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