Its been a while since I hopped on blogspot so let me apologize for not posting a lot. I've just been enjoying my summer and working.
Today will be really short. I just want to talk about something I "Lost&Found". It was a part of myself I thought I had lost for good but last night I came to the realization that it was inside of me all along. Something I couldn't truly loose but misplace. Better yet I would go so far as to say it was right in front of me all along but I lost sight of it.
Taking advice is something I do on a regular basis. I'm an indecisive person. I have to be 100% certain about something before I put my whole into it. Thats understandable wouldn't you say?
After all the hard work I put in last spring and summer I should have come back one of the most confident people in the world but instead I was clouded with doubt and fear. It was pitiful. Going up to girls second guessing myself wondering "what should I say, what should I not say?". Its not even that difficult. I complicated it to the point it seemed like I was putting the situation on a plateau that I could never reach.
...but this journey has finally concluded and now another will soon begin. I've reconnected with myself. That part of me that was lost has been found and adding that with the vast amount of knowledge I've collected will ensure that I have a place in this world. I stand with me feet firmly planted on the ground.

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