To all my fans out there let me say hello! Whats happening!? Hope you enjoyed my last post. Hope that the note I wrote about old and new experiences gave you some encouraging words of inspiration. If not hope you enjoyed anyways.
Not going to talk a lot today about stuff in my life other then the fact that being patient is easier said then done, but I'm staying strong. Just feeling like I'm being thrown around in a circular motion like I was laundry in the drier. I'm hoping that two weeks from now things will have calmed down and I'll be able to touch down on the ground and get my bearings straight.
The topic I wanted to address today was Insight on what was "Un-sEEn". People are always evolving and changing into greater individuals, but if thats true isn't it also safe to conclude that while others are changing for the better that others are changing for the worse.
Or maybe they aren't even changing, but what we perceived of them at first to be genuine and sincere was a mere illusion of what they wanted us to "SEE". I meet a lot of people everyday and when you allow someone into your life and they become a friend you let down your sensors and start a relationship with them. The same can be said about meeting the girl/guy your trying to talk to, but I'm not talking about that. Strictly friendship.
Fraudulent people that pretend to be real people can only keep this up for so long. Eventually someone is going too all them on all of their bull shit. Excuse my French but thats just how it is. If your real then be real and if your fake then be fake. In essence if your fake and being fake then your being real because your showing your true colors and not trying to hide the fact but people that are fake can't keep it real so thats an oxymoron.
I'm basically ranting on, but I'm seeing a lot of individuals for the people they really are. Their true colors are coming out and theres not much I can do about it but keep doing me and pushing it along.

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