I know that people like to exchange the chocolates and go on Easter egg hunts and talk about the Easter bunny, but now I'm just trying to remember what Easter truly stands for. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our savior. He died for ALL of our sins. Thats true self sacrifice. I just want to say thank you Jesus.

I'm sitting in bed just chillEn right now. This break has been pretty good. Better for me then Spring Break was. Something New has been going on and its pretty exciting. I'm not going to go into details yet because nothing is set in stone but if things do turn out well I'll explain the entire story lol
Other then that I've just been chillEn. My mom and sister came down yesterday and I hung with them until it was time to go to work. We went to my Aunt's house and I saw her, my cousin and her daughter. Learned the Potty dance lol I'm going to make millions by making a song on how to teach kids how to brush their teeth. Its a gold mind lol.
Work was ok. VERY slow. Boring. But one thing made it worthwhile. I'm still kinda tired right now. I'm about to eat some Special K cereal and go back to sleep. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!

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