...Today I woke up in the middle of the night. I'm tired from the looooong week I had. I had just got off work and came home, got on the laptop for a bit, and then drifted off into the dream world. Must've felt a lot of anxiety. Thats usually what keeps me up even when I'm tired. Something that was in the back of my mind. The situation was pissing me off so I finally said Forget IT! Push it along.
Had an interview to do at 10:00 so I got dressed, ate some breafast and made my way towards the field house. It was coo to get a different perspective of how the job is. We here teachers talking about it all the time but to actually speak with someone that is actually doing the work themselves is a totally different ball game. He kept it real too. Told me he used to work for The Daily Sentinal in Nac and that he learned more in his first year 1/2 there then he did his four years in college. And that college teaches you to learn and apply different skills to the tasks your professors ask you to tackle, but the real experience comes from getting your hands dirty and actually doing the work yourself. Thats the type of learner I am. A hands on learner. The interview proved to be very helpful.
I'm getting things prepared for tonight. My mom's b-day is tomorrow but I have to work and she's doing something with her friends so my sister and I are taking our mom out of town, paying for dinner, going out to a movie, give her the presents we got her. You know, that type of stuff. I think she'll really love the gifts I got her.
I'll let you know how that goes.
Thats all for now. I'm doing this earlier then I normally do so I'll probably come on later on and do another post. Until then. Live and Learn.
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