Anyone that knows me will tell you that 9 times out of 10 I'm a calm, cool, and collected person. But once out of those ten times I can get angry just like everyone else. After all I'm human. Can you blame me?
Lately I've just been angry for no reason. Its like the people that care about me most I pull away from them and I drift further and further away. Its like after all these years all the regressed feelings that I've bottled up, which people say not to do, pops open for a little bit and a little steam comes out all at once and I can't control it.
Its like in my head I'm saying, "Why are you doing this? You know you don't mean what you just said, or you know you don't really feel that way," and so on and so forth. I apologize in advance if your reading this and I've offended you in any way in the past few days.
Sometimes I think about just leaving and falling off the map loosing all connections with everyone I know and cutting off all the ties to the ones I love and just drift away to do my own thing. One less thing for them to worry about. Growing up I always felt like I was somehow less of a person then those around me. The big kid that was misunderstood. People don't know what that feels like. They "think" that they do but unless you've actually undergone something that someone else has experienced there is NO WAY IN THE WORLD THAT YOU CAN RELATE TO THEM 100%.

Anyways...writing is therapeutic for me so thats what I'm doing. My chicken soup for the soul.
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