Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today of those days yea...I had two test today and I was really tired today. Just woke up from a nap. Funny how something little like a nap can make you feel a little better. chillEn before I have to end up going to work.

As soon as I get off at midnight I will have officially started my weekend!!!!

....Lets see. What else is good today? Not sure but I'm waiting for something in the mail and cant wait to recieve it. ATCQ's 1st Album: "Peoples Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm."


And before I go. This is off subject but one day I was talking to a friend and I randomly brought up Tia & Tamera. I know their twins, but Tia to me looks super Fine! Tamera is too, but Tia is number one on my list! No disrespect to the Tamera fans out there.



1 comment:

  1. Hey do u know when Charles hamilton's cd comes out? Oh by the way, Tamera is preggers!:)
    Great blog Steve,
