I had a Master Plan but that didn't work out the way I wanted it to.
Just saw kanYe on VH1 performing some of his classic hits. You know how Ye does. Good performance!

He quoted Harvey Dent from the movie The Dark Knight and if you think about it for a while.....its a good quote.
..."You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain"

Just think on that. Some deep ish.
I really don't have a lot to talk about today. Nothing really interesting happened today in my life as hard as that is to believe. Oh yea. Before I forget. Big ups to my Fam from the other side. Katie & Kingsley!!! I appreciate hanging with you guys last week. We've all got to do that again sometime. Get the Original Hall 14 Crew Back Together!

Before I go. Be on the look out for Through My Eyez

Steve Omari is taking Keeping it REAL to a WHOLE-NOTHER-LEVEL
I'm just chillEn! I'll get at everyone later. Just keep in mind. Life is to short and if there is some goal you want to accomplish...Don't give up! Just Do IT!!!!!
Have the Sheer Tenacity to Never Give UP!!!