After researching news information from www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages & www.lufkindailynews.com I found pros and cons of both websites. Overall their news team does an exceptional job of gathering their content, but nothing is perfect.
What I noticed on newseum.org was the originality. Not only was it eye catching, but it was organized. The large headline was called
So Far, snow good. The pictures correlated to the caption and the story was written well. On the right side there were links to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, & Flicker. Ads were filled on the website as well.
The lufkindailynews.com website was a little more cluttered but still had some unique characteristics. I really liked how at the top center of the website it had three pics that had short descriptive teasers on them. Every 3 1/2-4 seconds it would scroll like an iTouch to new stories. They had event calendars, top job searches, birth announcements, as well as a Twitter account.
2/3 stories on the lufkindailynews website (
Angelina County enjoys second snowfall in two weeks & Lufkin's William's named 14-5 A MVP)had same exact format (unlike the 3rd
Lufkin Soccer hosting New Caney Wednesday). Picture in the top left corner and news stories written around it. They all had the same basic look only the content was different for each story. The contact info was easy to find and 2 were sports stories while one was local.
Overall I think that the Internets format will be the death or drastic decline in print like we're starting to see presently. Reading from their website is a lot quicker and the info is updated at a faster pace then that of an actual newspaper. What I dislike is sometimes the ads that pop up can get extremely annoying and the clutter with to much to look at which can be distracting.
Looking at it from the standpoint of an editor or publisher I would make it friendly for the elderly and younger generation. Almost like running two separate but equal websites but combining the content to form one amazing website tailoring to all age demographics.
Overall I found the topics to be interesting and made me think outside the box which will come handy in the job world. I really liked question 4 because it allows us to think about the content from a different perspective then what the current employees are doing.